Paths to Reliability: How to Achieve a 60% Reliability Score…and Progress to 100%

July 5, 2024
2 minutes

The DUPR (Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating) presented by Delaware Life Reliability Score gives players more insight into how close they are to achieving a reliable rating. If your Reliability Score is above 60%, your rating is reliable, and you can be confident that you’ll have a competitive experience playing with others at a similar level. If you’re under 60%, whether that’s because you’re a new player, or you haven’t played in a while, it means you have more playing to do! But don’t worry, there are a variety of ways to reach a 60% Reliability Score, and, for overachievers, progress from 60% to 100%. 

Here are some paths you can take to get a good reliability score. Each match represents one game. Matches with more games will count more and progress you to reliability faster because there will be more information input into the rating system. 

Remember, the biggest takeaways are playing frequently (and inputting your results!) and playing with a variety of players. 

Reliability Progression Paths 

Just starting out or have less than 10 games under your belt? Here’s how to get to a reliable rating (60% Reliability Score). 

These paths assume the following: 

  • Opposing player or team ratings are all within 0.5 of your player or team rating. 
  • Teammates and Opponents are reliable (ie have a 60% Reliability Score).
  • Matches are with 2 or more unique partners (Doubles only) and against 6 or more unique teams.
  • Matches are each one game.

Note - There are many ways to achieve a Reliability Score of 60% or higher. The biggest takeaway is more is better! Play more games, play more with similarly rated players, play more with players who are more reliable than you and play with a wide variety of players. Those are the key factors in improving your Reliability Score. 

Already have a reliable rating? Here’s how to achieve a 100% Reliability Score

These pathways assume:

  • Players and opposing teams are all a similar level (ie within a 0.5 range)
  • Teammates and Opponents have a 60% Reliability Score (or higher) 
  • Doubles matches are with 4 or more unique partners 
  • All matches are against 12 or more unique teams 
  • Matches are each 1 game 

Note - The biggest takeaway is more is better! Play more games, play more with similarly rated players, play more with players who are more reliable than you and play with a wide variety of players. Again, these are the key factors in increasing your Reliability Score. 

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